

Sharing my thoughts and views of anything and everything

Law of Attraction

That Law of attraction (LOA) has been spoken of for many years now has raised eyebrows amongst many. The question always prevails, “Is this even true?”. The answer seems very clear and yet too simplistic at the same time, If you perceive it to work, it will in fact work and vice versa.

I understand that many will still assume that because it hasn’t worked for soo many, then why would it work for anyone. the question arises, Do you even understand the law of attraction? have you truly given it a chance to work? Are you ready for it to work?

The way to truly manifest the power that is the law of attraction is to reach a point of clarity, to achieve a state of true happiness that coincides with your true self then everything that you desire will manifest into your reality. Thus the question arises, How do I reach this state? Again the answer is very simple, focus on how your actions impact on your emotional state. This means that If something is making you feel bad then do or focus on something that will make you feel good.

I know it is easier said than done, however, If you merely give yourself a chance to use your emotional state as a guide, it will provide you with everything that you possibly need to know and will do the leg work in manifesting what you truly want.

This all may sound very simplistic, the reason being is that it really is simple and anyone is capable of manifesting what they want, all it takes is recognition and belief and everything else will follow.


For the last few year I have been looking at the various sides of spirituality, that which has been proposed by organised religion and that by the “new agers”.

I think it is safe to say that spirituality is an important part of life and while I’m not an advocate of religion, I think it does add the “missing factor” that people are looking for.

It is believed that we are beings of energy and all our thoughts and actions relate in energy that emanates through the universe. I am a strong believer that words and sounds have a strong impact on us both on a conscious and subconscious level.

I have been recently researching the Law of Attraction and its basis and while there are many who sing its praises, I am yet to see how successful it truly is. If there is anyone who has had success using the LOA then please do comment below.

The search continues to find out the “truth” and a way to truly be with the universe. more updates to follow.

Thank you for reading!



I’m Back

It’s been a long time since I’ve posted on here and I guess a lot has changed in that time. There are soo many thoughts that pass through my mind and I guess this year is the year to post them all on here.

I hope everyone is having a great start to the new year and keeping to their New Years Resolutions. I guess this is one of mine but more of a personal way of expressing myself and I hope hat I can maybe get some advice from some of you here as well.

More posts to follow.

Thank you for reading!

From Success To Jealousy

In this section I am going to write about a specific type of jealousy, which is the jealousy you get from the success of other. Come on don’t deny it a lot of people get it, let me be the first one to admit that I too get jealous when some does better than me. Granted some people don’t feel this way but I have found that a lot of people I know do feel this way (maybe I’m just hanging around with the wrong crowd?).

I find that this type of jealousy is very much natural, it’s not something that really bothers you every day and for everything but for very specific things such as projects, exams etc. Anything that is really important to you and that you have worked exceptionally hard on, only to find out that a colleague or friend has done better than you, only wishing that it would be the very opposite. The anger, frustration and pain we feel because we did get what we want and someone else did. How do we go about controlling these emotions? How do we stop it? Why must it be the case?

I understand it is very difficult to contain the emotion when someone comes to you with the good news that you were hoping for yourself, but in this case we merely have to act happy and within reason to make sure that we don’t come across sarcastic. Yes it is a simplistic answer and it is easier said than done but it just comes down to in which light you want other to see you (topic for another post).
Can we stop these feeling from happening, well I’m yet to find a way but you can change you outlook on life by following a very good approach being “you win some, you lose some” which is a great and balanced way to look at the situations you go through.

Just know that this form of jealousy happens, not to all though but to quite a few. It is very important to keep your cool and stay calm in all situations and not just this one. Just my 2 cents on the matter.

Thanks for reading!

Confidence, my view!

So recently while pondering on how I feel my first year at uni went, I remembered that a very good friend came to me and said that I come across as being confident which did give me a bit of a shock (not in a bad way), he then went on to ask how to gain this confidence. Truth be told I’m not actually that confident at all, we all have our insecurities. Anyway I did go on to answer his question and I will try and recall as much of it as I can.

It has always been my belief that confidence isn’t necessarily a thing that you have, rather a thing you put on like a mask as you will. It is interesting to see that those who you assume to be really confident and the “cool kids” , could possibly be in a similar position to you. I understand that this assumption may not make a lot of sense to some people because how can a person who has more friends and really enjoying his life be in the same position as you. I accept that it is indeed a very valid point, although there is a different view you can take of this. From personal experience I have found that because I’m not “naturally” confident (nature vs. nurture? Who Knows?) I feel that if i really want to get myself out there I have to fake the confidence.

Faking confidence is an interesting concept as how does one actually go about faking confidence? Well I have quite a simplistic answer to, being that instead of thinking about the said situation that you are nervous or anxious about, just jump straight in so to speak. Let me give you an example, say it’s your first day at your new job and lunchtime is soon approaching. As you get up to go get some lunch from the canteen (assuming there is one) instead of sitting down on your own you get your food and walk straight to the table where your colleagues are and take a seat (do make sure no one is sitting in the seat you are about to sit in). I know this may sound basic and that’s what people normally do, but it is surprising how many people avoid doing it because they get anxious and they fear being rejected. What I propose here is that rather going though the same old question in your head of “what if they think I’m weird?”, “What if they say no?, it will be very embarrassing “ etc. Just go and sit with them, I understand that its easier said than done and it will take real courage and even a bit of a push in which case think of what could happen if you don’t do it. A lot of the time the more you avoid a situation the less likely you are to get it done, although even if you do fail at the first hurdle keep going because giving up could cause more problems than it solves.

Returning back to the analogy of confidence being like a mask, I still hold that idea. Due to the fact that as soon as you stop acting confident you seem to see yourself falling into a spiral of decline and getting out of it proves much more difficult than remaining to act confident in the first place.

While I give my 2 cents and advice on the matter, at the same time I’m attempting to implent the very advice that I’m giving. I do understand the situation that many are in and how it causes you to be in a predicament, I too am in the same position which I hope to correct quickly.

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