For the last few year I have been looking at the various sides of spirituality, that which has been proposed by organised religion and that by the “new agers”.

I think it is safe to say that spirituality is an important part of life and while I’m not an advocate of religion, I think it does add the “missing factor” that people are looking for.

It is believed that we are beings of energy and all our thoughts and actions relate in energy that emanates through the universe. I am a strong believer that words and sounds have a strong impact on us both on a conscious and subconscious level.

I have been recently researching the Law of Attraction and its basis and while there are many who sing its praises, I am yet to see how successful it truly is. If there is anyone who has had success using the LOA then please do comment below.

The search continues to find out the “truth” and a way to truly be with the universe. more updates to follow.

Thank you for reading!